Tom’s Updates

  • Day 4-No More O2!

    Nights seem to be the worst right now. They are monitoring him for reactions to his medications. This morning Tom was allowed to take of his oxygen nasal canula. Most of the day was spent sitting up in a chair. He took a walk half way around the unit (240) and washed up some. Today…

  • Day 3-First Walk

    Little sleep last night. Tom started his morning very early up and in the chair from 5am until 9am. He got some drains removed which help make his mobility easier. His body functions are starting to work again and no concerns at this time. Tom is walking now for the first time since surgery. His…

  • Day 2- Chair

    Tom received a walking epidural earlier today and it has helped some with his pain. He is very uncomfortable, but giving effort to get better. Today he was assisted to sit in a chair and was using O2 nasal canula to do so. The doctors gave him permission to remove the O2 nasal canula and…