Category: Toms Updates

  • Day 30- Month 1 Done!

    One month since we got the call. So where are we now? Tom and Tracy are still in their housing near the hospital to finish testing and rehab this month. Tom had an esophageal manometry to use a PH probe, evaluating acid reflux and the post surgical site internally. Tom said “this is worse than…

  • Day 19-Home Away From Home

    Monday March 25th Tom was released from the hospital and stayed in a hotel for the week. Daily appointments have kept them busy. Some days the appointments are many and tiring. Saturday March 30th Tom was struggling and had a lot of pain. Sunday morning the pain became too much and they took Tom back…

  • Day 11-Hospital Release, Short Leash

    Today, Tom will be released from the hospital! He is ready for more rest and relaxation. Although they are being released today, they can not go far from the hospital. Tom will have daily testing and therapy in the hospital for several more weeks. Release day is full of scheduling these appointments and learning how…

  • Day 10-Bumpy Road

    Day 10 was yesterday… Here is a post that Tom wrote. Update this afternoon… Pain is coming under control.. Thank you all so much for reaching out to the father this morning… The last tube has been removed …. Praise the Lord another Giant step forward …. And other than SP02 continuous monitor.. I am…

  • Day 7- The Roller Coaster

    Tom on Day 5 had tube #6 of 7 removed and following began his difficulty breathing. Due to the breathing issue the team was able to evaluate and determine there was oxygen between the new lung and the chest cavity(left), which was not allowing proper inflation of the lung. The remaining tube was turned on…

  • Day 5- Getting Social

    Day 5 (yesterday) Tom did 3 walks around his floor. Two more drain tubes were removed, we are getting there. They removed the epidural and will now switch to oral medication. In the early evening he started with some pain and was worried about sleeping well due to pain. Due to his progress he is…

  • Day 4-No More O2!

    Nights seem to be the worst right now. They are monitoring him for reactions to his medications. This morning Tom was allowed to take of his oxygen nasal canula. Most of the day was spent sitting up in a chair. He took a walk half way around the unit (240) and washed up some. Today…

  • Day 3-First Walk

    Little sleep last night. Tom started his morning very early up and in the chair from 5am until 9am. He got some drains removed which help make his mobility easier. His body functions are starting to work again and no concerns at this time. Tom is walking now for the first time since surgery. His…

  • Day 2- Chair

    Tom received a walking epidural earlier today and it has helped some with his pain. He is very uncomfortable, but giving effort to get better. Today he was assisted to sit in a chair and was using O2 nasal canula to do so. The doctors gave him permission to remove the O2 nasal canula and…

  • Prayer/Warrior Mentality

    Last night Tracy and the other visitors were made to leave Tom after visiting hours had ended and he was not yet awake. They held in their as long as the nurses allowed and Tracy even protested leaving him while his blood pressure was low. They assured her of phone updates if any changes through…