Author: Tom

  • The Spoon Theory

    The Spoon Theory

    One of the best ways to describe life for someone living with a dabiliting disease. I never understood before what others may be going through until that is it happend to me, and I just couldnt explain to others what life was like. All I could do was tell people that I didnt feel good…

  • Testing…testing. Results.

    Testing…testing. Results.

    To become a lung transplant candidate you have to pass rigorous testing for approval onto the list. Antibodies, swallow test, kidney function, cancer screenings, upper and lower GI evaluation, heart catherization right and left, dental clearance, fully immunized, CAT scans, x-rays, and lots of blood work (Tom says “gallons”). Testing was not only for lung…

  • The first day of the rest of My Life

    The first day of the rest of My Life

    When the Doctor looked up from the testing results that were on his computer and came back to me with .. You need a lung transplant , My current world ended and my new reality began.It has been a fairly long road to get me to the point where Ohio State finally accepted me. Days…