Testing…testing. Results.

To become a lung transplant candidate you have to pass rigorous testing for approval onto the list.


swallow test,

kidney function,

cancer screenings,

upper and lower GI evaluation,

heart catherization right and left,

dental clearance,

fully immunized,

CAT scans,


and lots of blood work (Tom says “gallons”).

Testing was not only for lung transplant. They first had to rule him out for Zephyr valve replacement, and then lung reduction surgery from a local pulmonologist. Tom was not a candidate for either option and after further deterioration his only options now are lung transplant at OSU. Toms lungs are bad all over and his lung condition is from environmental exposures throughout his life.

Pulmonary function test most recently was 18% lung function. His oxygen exchange is failing him and oxygen is going in, but the carbon dioxide is not being released. Carbon dioxide is dangerous if not expelled through oxygen exchange in the lungs. February 16th, 2024 we got the news that he has passed all his testing and meets their requirements to be placed officially on the list for double lungs. Now we wait for NEW LUNGS!….And insurance to approve the lung transplant.

Keep up the prayers and thank you to the many who are volunteering their time and finances to help him in this journey. God is GOOD, ALL THE TIME.
